Hold For Podcast
Hold For Podcast
S2E26 - Don't Skip Small Sorrows

S2E26 - Don't Skip Small Sorrows

Lee Simmons joins Alex, Marshall, and Macon to talk about important things like the Fast and Furious movie series, as well as what it’s like following the Lord while living with sickness and fatigue. There’s no NOS for rushing through that, but she talks about a way of being in the small hurts that helps with the big hurts.

Lee Simmons

Grace Community Church

This kind of gravy, though

Fast and Furious watching order suggestion

Fast and Furious Funko Pop

How Did This Get Made on Fast and Furious


A disease of high achieving.

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering, by Tim Keller

Family Groups

Hold For Podcast
Hold For Podcast
Three long-time friends, two Pastors and one CEO, explore the spaces between Ministry and Business, Professional and Amateur Christianity, and Faith and Disbelief, with joy, love, and a grain of salt.