Hold For Podcast
Hold For Podcast
S2E30 - Avoiding Bears or Teaching Bears

S2E30 - Avoiding Bears or Teaching Bears


Alex, Marshall, and Macon talk about sticky scripture passages, whether to preach them, and if so, how to do it. Along the way they touch on the challenge of the 20 (for real people stick to 20) minute sermons and how to teach bigger ideas than what’s in that Sunday’s 30 lines of text.

Show Notes:

Scatalogical is a real word.

Richmond Marathon

Ultramarathon - not to be confused with an Ultramanathon


A good segway

What is a yute?

Mutual Assured Destruction

Revised Common Lectionary

Haddon Robinson

The Jefferson Bible

The Bible Project on Jewish Meditation Literature


For Alex next time

The Inductive Bible Study Method

Anchor Points

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Hold For Podcast
Hold For Podcast
Three long-time friends, two Pastors and one CEO, explore the spaces between Ministry and Business, Professional and Amateur Christianity, and Faith and Disbelief, with joy, love, and a grain of salt.